Why Do We Need Donations?

We are excited that you are considering donating to us.

And it’s a really good question as to why do we need donations?

First and foremost, recruiting volunteers as well as befrienders and training them to be able to help out, is a major part of what we are looking to do.

Your money will help make this process easier and quicker. We will be able to produce posters, leaflets and adverts to recruit more people as well as spread awareness about us. This will also lead to more trained befrienders and eventually, we hope to help those that need longer help with counseling.

We will be able to set up and keep our phone lines going, this will enable someone to be able to get the help that they need. Without your donations there are no phone lines, there are no leaflets, there are no befrienders.

We get things done. And we’re not going to stop until every man feels that they can talk and that there are people there for them.

To Donate click the button below

Let’s breakdown some walls together.