Have you been through something similar? Do you feel you can help the team? Please contact us below so we can arrange to call you.
Befriending is “a relationship between two or more
Befriending Development Forum
individuals which is initiated, supported and monitored by an
agency that has defined one or more parties as likely to
benefit. Ideally the relationship is non-judgemental, mutual,
purposeful and there is a commitment over time”
How can I become a Befriender?
We welcome applications or calls from any bereaved male that feels they are now in a place to be able to offer some support to those that need it. You may have lost a baby or child or a husband/wife/partner.
We ask are you back to work, functioning and able to talk to others about the loss of a loved one? We do not put a time limit on this but each case will be reviewed on a case by case basis as we understand that no two people are the same.
What does Befriending involve?
As a Befriender, you will give one to one support to other bereaved males. This could be by phone or email. Occasional face-to-face support can happen at events with prior consent from us. We always try and match up those that need support with a Befriender who best fits.
Our current training program is taken over the phone and focuses on active listening and other relevant skills to help assist you to support those that need it.
We may do group training via phone or skype and it’s important that you can attend. Our training is specific to us and as such, means it is not an accredited course.
After the Training and you have “signed-up”, you will receive a Befriender Volunteer Pack which will provide ongoing support to help guide you through your role, attend the annual Befriender Conference and any other relevant training.
How much time will I need to commit as a Befriender?
We are not asking anyone to give up their day job in order to become a Befriender. But we will always talk to you before matching you up with anyone to discuss their needs and how this will impact on your time. Sometimes this can be one phone call and others may require one a week. Some may just want to talk via email. Each person is different.
We will endeavor to give you support and feedback and an opportunity for you to share how you think things are going. This will give us the best chance to continuously improve our help and support for both you and the people that need it.
A Disclosure and Barring Service check is also made before a volunteer can participate in befriending.
Please call us on 0300 303 59 60 or email befrienders@teamtddcc.co.uk with your completed application form (download here) And please send along with a copy of the Monitoring of Applications.