I would like to say ‘thank you’ to everyone that has supported the launch of the charity and everyone that has been involved in getting us off the ground. We are still in our infancy and there is still loads to do. The support and help for the website has been overwhelming and really this could not have launched without all the support received.
Yes, there is still lots to do, set up the phone lines and finish off sorting out IT infrastructure as well as to organise our community forums and start to recruit all our volunteers for our befriending service. These will be done shortly and we are looking to roll these out by quarter one. These are the reasons we are currently looking for donations and support from the community, please see our donations page to donate.
Our training program is almost complete for our befrienders and again this will be rolled out as soon as we can.
We have applied for full charity status and our constitutional documents are currently with the charity commission for review; we have our small charity constructional document which we will be using until our fully-fledged status is approved.
Once again thank you for helping and supporting us.
Warm regards